Tall fescue / Festuca alta / Fétuque éleveé
Very rustic and highly adaptable perennial plant. It tolerates moderate water logging and drought; it tolerates winter frost as well as summer heat. It is sown in autumn or spring, as a single crop or in association with other species; it roots slowly. It grows very bunchy and forms large tufts. It produces very high quantities of forage. There are considerable differences among varieties as regards spiking.
- Very high yielding
- High quality and very digestible forage
- Very winter hardy
- Usage: hay, grazing, silage
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg/ha
- High drought tolerance
- High yelds
- Usage: hay, grazing, silage
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg/ha
- Very good cold and drought tolerance
- Very high digestibility
- Usage: hay, grazing, silage
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg/ha
- Very suitable for grazing
- High digestibility of the forage
- Usage: hay, grazing, silage
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg/ha