Timothy / Cola de topo / Fleolo des prées
Perennial plant, extensively used in meadow and permanent pasture mixtures, in cool climatic conditions. Plants reach their maximum level of expansion during the 3rd-4th year. In spring vegetation starts relatively late and flowering is also late.
- Mixture adaptation: good
- Usage: hay, grazing, silage
- Good persistency
- Very suitable for grazing
- Usage: Hay, grazing, silage
- Seeding rate: 15-30 kg/ha
- Good diseases resistance
- Very good winter hardiness
- Suitable also for acid soils
- Usage: Hay, grazing, silage
- Seeding rate: 15-30 kg/ha
- Upright growth
- Resistant to lodging
- High-quality forage production
- High resistance to disease
- Seeding rate: 15 - 30 Kg/ha