Italian ryegrass / Raygrass italiano / Ray grass d’Italie non alternatif
It is a strong plant and can grow as tall as 90-110 cm. This tuft species prefers warm, medium-wet soils but grows and develops well on all kinds of soils. It does not stand summer droughts which can lead to a serious thinning out of the field. It develops quickly and vigorously and this guarantees an aboundant production from the very first cuts. It is a winter-spring producer, if sown between mid-August and early October it gives 1 cut before winter and 1-3 spring cuts. If it is sown after the first decade of October it only produces spring cuts. Tetraploid varieties give a more water-rich and palatable forage, while diploid-ones produce hay more easily. Sowing density is 30-60 Kg/ha, depending on the soil and type of seed.
- Very winter hardy and resistant to sudden temperature drops
- High protein content
- Best palatability
- Ideal for silage
- High yields of green matter
- Ploidy: 4n
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg/ha
- Fine stems and very leafy
- Good winter hardiness and resistant to pests
- High in dry matter content: perfect for producing hay stocks
- Ploidy: 2n
- Seeding rate: 25-40 kg/ha
- Quick rooting and vigorous growth
- Exceptional regrowth
- Ideal for hay production
- Exceptionally winter hardy
- Early and highly productive
- Ploidy: 2n
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg/ha
- Very rapid growth
- Good resistance to diseases
- Very good regrowth
- Ploidy: 4n
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg/ha
- High productivity
- Very winter hardy
- Very good quality of the forage
- Ploidy: 4n
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg/ha
- Rapid growth
- Very rapid regrowth
- High productivity
- Ploidy: 4n
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg/ha