Annual ryegrass / Raygrass westerwold / Ray grass d’italie alternatif
Westerwold varieties are annual and flower with no need of vernalization (cold temperatures inducing flowering).
- Very leafy and more palatable
- Good resistance to rust and fusarium
- High production with all different usage systems: silage, hay, grazing
- Ploidy: 4n
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg/ha
- Fast growth with early first cut in spring
- High yields of dry matter
- Very leafy with high nutritional value
- Ploidy: 2n
- Seeding rate: 25-40 kg/ha
- High dry matter content
- Very patatable with high nutritional value
- Very winter hardy
- Ploidy: 2n
- Seeding rate: 25-40 kg/ha
- High dry matter yield in the first cut
- Quick development and a high vigour.
- Well adapted to various ecological conditions
- Ploidy: 4n
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg/ha
Grasslands Bill
- Good disease tolerance
- High palatability and digestibility
- Good leaf/stem ratio
- Ploidy: 4n
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg/ha
- Early and with a high tilling capacity
- Excellent palatability
- Rusticity and high production potential
- Ploidy: 2n
- Seeding rate: 25-40 kg / ha
- Very good rust resistance
- Good adaptability
- Very good dry matter production
- Ploidy: 4n
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg / ha
Don Gianni
- Very rapid establishment
- Very high production
- Good desease resistance
- Ploidy: 4n
- Seeding rate: 30-50 kg / ha