Berseem clover / Trébol de alejandria / Trèfle d’alexandrie
Annual plant, very similar to alfalfa as regards shape and size of leaves, with taproots. White flowers. It prefers temperate climatic conditions, it is little frost resistant, therefore, in mild winter areas it is sown in autumn, after the first autumn rains, while in more northern regions it is sown in spring. It is fast growing plant, which gives high nutritional FORAGGERA value forage. It grows well not only clayly soils but also medium-loose or light ones, provided that they are not acid. It replaces crimson clover in the Landsberger mix in temperate climates and in neutral or alkaline soils. There are single cut and multi cuts varieties - the latter ones are the most popular.
- Very good productivity
- Very vigourous erect plant
- High leaves fungine diseases resistance
- Time of flowering: medium
- Seeding rate: 25-35 kg/ha
- Vigorous and rapid growth
- Big production of green matter for forage reserve or green manure
- Digestible and nutrient forage
- Intensive grazing tolerant
- Time of flowering: medium-early
- Seeding rate: 25-35 kg/ha