Crimson clover / Trébol encarnado / Trèfle incarnat
Annual plant, 70-100 cm tall. It is less frost tolerant than red clover but more than berseem clover because it stands through the winter at rosette stage. It performs better in acid soils. It can be sown alone or in association with ryegrass and other annual legume species (Landsberger mix). It as a typical life cycle from September till April/June, with time cut for hay in temperate conditions. Varieties differ greatly as far as flowering time is concerned up to 20-25 days difference.
- Very winter hardy
- Excellent as green manure
- Thrives in acid soils
- Time of flowering: very early
- Seeding rate: 25-35 kg/ha
- High and nutritionally balanced production
- Very suitable for association with ryegrass
- Late variety which allows longer grazing period
- Time of flowering: late
- Seeding rate: 25-35 kg/ha
- High forage production
- Very good regrowth ability
- Very good attitude to grazing
- Time of flowering: late
- Seeding rate: 25-35 kg/ha
- Rapid spring growing
- Very good green and dry matter production
- Very high winter hardiness
- Time of flowering: medium-early
- Seeding rate: 25-35 kg/ha
- High nutritional value of the forage
- High productivity
- Excellent vigor
- Time of flowering: very early
- Seeding rate: 25-35 kg/ha
- High disease resistance
- Used as pure crop or in mixture
- Time of flowering: medium-late
- Seeding rate: 25-35 kg/ha
• Very good productivity
• Good resistance to lodging
• Time of flowering: medium-early
• Seeding rate: 25-35 kg/ha